Roll up, Roll up
The Ride Sheffield Christmas Raffle is ON. This is all you need to know:
Eyes On The Prize
Thanks to our amazing supporters we have some awesome raffle prizes which you could be taking home this Christmas. Here is what’s up for grabs:

Bontrager waterproof

Hope bar end plugs
Hope bottle
Hope Jersey

Expert Bike Repair
£100 voucher
Raffle Closes: Sunday, 20th December
Tickets: £2 per ticket – unlimited tickets available!
Ticket Purchase Options:
1) Transfer via PayPal as ‘Friends and Family’ and reference ‘Raffle’
– please send payment to
2) Bank Transfer direct to Ride Sheffield and reference ‘Raffle’
– Payee Name: Ride Sheffield
– Account number: 91574205
– Sort code: 40-31-02
3) Sign up to the Ride Sheffield RADtax and get double entries as a thanks for your long term support – eg. Join on the red level at £20 per month and you receive 10 tickets plus an extra 10 as a thank you from Ride Sheffield.
Sheffield Raffle Funds
All proceeds from the raffle will go into the Ride Sheffield fundraising pot which is our life blood, and allows us to develop and maintain the trails. If you want to find out more about Ride Sheffield’s fundraising jump over to our Support Us page. Thanks to all those who already donate through RADtax and help us to keep the trails running sweetly.