Bolehills Dig Days
The progress that has been made up at Bolehills this winter has been nothing short of phenomenal. The entire track has been cut back to its original width as well as other work being done to improve the track no end. They have even had chance to work on the pump track too!
This has been down to the revived Sheffield Dirt Society and also to the fantastic volunteer effort that has been going on every couple of weeks.
Now the end is in sight for the work, with just a couple of dig sessions to go. Here is details on this weeks digging, we will be posting up more about the next big day soon
This Saturday the 21st of March they will be up at the track from 0900 onwards and will be working on the pumptrack. More from Sheffield Dirt Society….
We’re getting very very close now to the surface being delivered, so one last final push on the pumptrack to get it primed and ready for a coat of sweet white hardcore and surface.
Aim to finish the line we started last time, add some more dirt to the berms to build them up in preparation for the dirt coming.
Final tidy up and drainage check on the pumptrack and track.
Diggers will hopefully be coming in the next couple of weeks to redo the first straight – I will draw up a plan of what we’re thinking to change.
Hope to see you all there – many hands make light work, then we can hopefully have some time to have a little session after!