Blacka Dig Day – This Saturday
The Wildlife Trust are holding a dig day up at Blacka this weekend, think that the plan is to focus on the Devils Elbow. If you want to give something back to the rain hammered trails the details are below….
The next weekend Community Work Day at Blacka Moor will be this Saturday, 1st September, and will be led by Jono. We’re done with bracken pulling for another year (hurrah!), so will be turning our attention to the rhododendron again. As normal, we’ll meet at the Stony Ridge car park, grid reference: SK 277 806. This map shows the exact location of the car park, where we will be meeting at 10am, and finishing at 3pm.
If you’re interested in joining us for the work day, please remember to bring suitable outdoor clothes, waterproofs, sturdy boots, a packed lunch and drinking water; please also reply to this e-mail so that we can get a rough idea of numbers and how many tools/gloves/biscuits we’ll need to bring.