April Trail Days – Greno
For this months trail days we will be doing things a little differently. Now that everywhere is drying out nicely, we can turn our attention to fine tuning! To make sure that the trails in Greno are running sweetly for Peaty’s Steel City DH, we will be holding a couple of evening trail sessions.
We will be up on the trail on April the 4th and 11th and will aim to start at 5.30pm and work for a couple of hours or until the light fades. We will meet in the car park, but will be easy to find on the trail for those who cannot get up there until later. We will work predominantly on the Steel City track, but may do a little on the other ones if time allows.
We will provide tools, but feel free to bring your own as we can only bring a limited amount with us. Please dress appropriately for the work. We will not be bringing tea with us, but will throw some snacks in the bag. We may head for a pint afterwards too.
Please note that we will be closing the Steel City Track on both of these evenings, so please do not try and ride them on this nights. These will be the only closures of the track until the day before the race
Date: 4th and 11th of April 5.30pm onwards
Location: Greno Woods (Steel City Track)