Womens Trail Day – Blacka, 11th March 2pm
As part of the Women in Cycling festival, Ride Sheffield and Cotic’s Women of Steel will be running a women-only dig session on Blacka Moor to celebrate International Women’s Day. This is on 11th March at 2pm, meeting at Shorts Lane.
All women are welcome, whether you ride bikes, or horses, or neither – we’d love to have some different points of view!
We’ll be working on the Devil’s Elbow bridleway, checking the drainage is working and doing any repairs that are needed after the winter.
The way we work is that we will talk about the general work plans and any specific things that need to be fixed, and if you aren’t sure how to do things, we can talk you through techniques. We may well gather at various points on the trail to talk about our preferred riding lines, with riders ranging from riding goddesses to slow and cautious (
!) but we have to think about walkers and horses using the trails too, so there may be some debate at times!

Dress for the weather – probably bring waterproofs, knowing our record with the weather – and wear sturdy shoes or boots with good grip for the mud.
Bring gardening gloves if you have them, and spades / rakes / shovels / secateurs if you can.
Let us know if you’re interested, so that we know how much cake to bring…
If you need us to bring tools for you, either leave a message here or email info@ridesheffield.org.uk, ideally a couple of days in advance!