Ride Sheffield is an advocacy group aimed at using the collective might of Sheffield’s mountain bike community to improve, preserve and promote access interests for Sheffield’s mountain bikers.
1. Our main focus is to protect current rights of way: Allowing them to remain open and enjoyable to others without causing detriment to other countryside users.
2. We will aim to protect existing routes which are recognised as ‘classic’ mountain bike routes for future generations and other user groups to enjoy.
3. We will promote the importance of mountain biking in Sheffield and the surrounding area to other user groups and stakeholders/organisations.
4. We aim to educate mountain bikers and other user groups to understand and respect each other when using rights of way.
5. Where possible we will pursue the opening of new rights of way; including upgrading of footpaths to bridleways, allowing mountain bikers to use provisional Bridleways and the upgrading of provisional bridleways to full bridleways.
6. Where possible we will aim to construct, or consult with the construction of new sustainable mountain bike specific trails to a high standard.
7. Ride Sheffield will serve as an information and communication point for mountain bikers, allowing information and news to be distributed from mountain bikers to mountain bikers and also from outside groups to mountain bikers.
8. Ride Sheffield will serve as an information and communication point for other countryside user groups, giving them a voice into the mountain bike community, but also allowing them to discuss access and work together with mountain bikers.
9. We will provide mountain bikers with a voice on the city’s Local Access Forum (LAF).
10. We will attend meetings and as a stakeholder with the Eastern Moors Project, Greno Woods Appeal, Sheffield Wildlife Trust, Blacka RAG, Cycle Forum, BMC and other meetings which are appropriate.
11. We aim to be the Mountain Bike representative (stakeholder) with Eastern Moors Partnership, Greno Woods Appeal, Sheffield Wildlife Trust, Peak Park and other groups if/when they form.
12. We will hold dig days to improve rights of way along with the appropriate groups and we will also have dig days to construct our own sanctioned trails.
13. We will ensure that member taking part in activities such as dig days will be covered by the landowner/ group we are working with. If not we will take out our own cover.
14. Ride Sheffield is run by a core group of enthusiasts; within this group will be a Management Committee consisting of a president, treasurer and secretary. They will be elected at the AGM.
15. The core group will meet at least 4 times a year (more if necessary) – All minutes of meetings will be available to be seen by all.
16. We will have one AGM type meeting a year, it will require a quorum of 15 people and will be advertised through our email, website and Facebook group.
17. We will organise a social ride and other events and meetings with outside groups when required.
18. Our website will have regular updates on our activities.
19. Anyone who shares our groups aims is entitled to join.
20. Ride Sheffield is free to join. In order to join members must email or join the Facebook group Ride Sheffield. They will be added to the membership/mailing list and will receive information on anything we send out.
21. All information will be sent out to members via Facebook and email as well as being put on the website.
22. We will review our constitution annually prior to the AGM.
23. All monies related to the group will go into the Ride Sheffield bank account. This will only be accessible with two signatories from the Management committee.
24. If we decide to no longer continue with Ride Sheffield all monies will be returned where possible. Any excess will be donated to Edale Mountain Rescue Team. Any equipment will be donated to relevant charitable organisations.
25. Ride Sheffield is not a cycling club.
26. Ride Sheffield will take any action that is lawful to fulfil our aims.