Ride Sheffield is a not-for-profit organisation for mountain bikers in and around Sheffield. It is run entirely by volunteers and relies on donations to carry out work.
All donations go towards maintaining Sheffield trails, or funds towards building new ones. We purchase tooling, materials, lunches for dig days and merchandise to sell at events or in our online shop. We happily accept all donations, whether as one-off payments, or monthly “Rad Tax”
You can make one-off donations to us via Paypal using this link or by sending a payment to subs@ridesheffield.org.uk
You can make one-off donations to us via Bank Transfer using the details below;
Account name – Ride Sheffield
Sort Code – 403102
Account number – 91574205
Rad tax

Rad tax is our main source of fundraising, paid via direct debit, Paypal or debit card. You sign up, Ride Sheffield gets a few quid each month – which all adds up once we have a few folks signed up.
All money raised goes to new trails, tools, maintenance, events and merchandise.
Rad tax offers 4 different signups
- Green, £5/month – free member’s sticker
- Blue, £10/month – free member’s sticker and member’s T Shirt
- Red, £20/month – free member’s sticker and T-shirt plus a logo bottle opener and hip flask
- Black, £50/month – intended for business, this includes all of the Red bonuses and plenty more!